- The single version of David Bowies song "Heroes" from the album Heroes. Part of the Berlin Trilogy, released in the 80s (1977 to be exact ;P ) Anyhow, I hope David Bowie Heroes Lyrics MetroLyrics Lyrics Heroes David Bowie. I, I king / And, queen / Though, drive / We beat, day / "Heroes" With Lyrics - David Bowie
Watch "Heroes" With Lyrics - David Bowie
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Checkout other video here.- Hero Lyrics Mariah Carey
Lyrics Hero Mariah Carey There hero / If heart / You afraid / Of / There - Mariah Carey Hero Lyrics MetroLyrics
Lyrics Hero Mariah Carey. There hero / If heart / You afraid / Of / There answer / If - Mariah Carey Hero lyrics
2 explanations, 5 meanings Hero lyrics Mariah Carey (Verse 1) / There hero heart, / You
Watch "Heroes" With Lyrics - David Bowie
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